Yin Yoga Edinburgh

Classes in Yin Yoga in Edinburgh at Tidal. Our Yin yoga classes offer a calming, balanced approach to yoga that contrasts with more active, dynamic styles of yoga. These practices focus on deep stretches, mindful movement, and finding stillness, which can help calm the mind and release tension in the body. They are particularly beneficial for those looking to cultivate flexibility, mindfulness, and a sense of inner peace.

Yin Yoga aims to create a balance of strength and flexibility while nurturing the mind’s capacity to find stillness. 

Yin with Jyoti

Edinburgh Yoga Teachers Jyoti

Experience the profound benefits of deep relaxation and restoration with yin yoga class. A gentle yet powerful practice that nourishes the body and  calms the mind. You’ll be guided through a series of postures, each held for several mins to facilitate a deep release and stretch. Being supported with different props, this class is suitable for everyone.

Tuesdays 12h -12:45

Yin with Charles

Yin yoga Edinburgh with Charles at Tidal

Primarily mat-based poses, where stretches are held for three or more minutes to target connective tissue (joints, ligaments, tendons, etc.).  More activation of your parasympathetic nervous system — “rest and digest” — through the Yin practice, resulting in a very restful experience yet with plenty of sensation, space creation, and freeing and shifting of energy throughout.

Wednesday 13h – 1345 & Thursday 18:30 – 19:30

Yin with Noelle

Tidal Yoga Studio Leith

A slow-paced, mindful style of yoga in which the postures are held for longer periods of time, ranging from 2 to 5 minutes. We incorporate the use of props like bolster pillows to allow the body to stretch passively. In yin yoga, time is more important than intensity

Tuesday 18:45 – 19:45

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a slow, meditative practice that primarily targets the body’s deeper connective tissues, such as the fascia, ligaments, and joints. Unlike more active yoga styles that focus on building muscle strength, Yin Yoga encourages practitioners to relax into passive stretches and hold postures for extended periods, typically between 3 and 5 minutes.

Yin yoga Edinburgh Tidal Yoga Leith

Benefits of Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga offers unique benefits due to its slow, meditative approach and focus on deep tissues:

Increased Flexibility: Yin Yoga’s long holds gradually lengthen connective tissues, increasing flexibility and helping the body become more open and adaptable.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The slow, mindful approach of Yin Yoga can reduce stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system and promoting a state of relaxation. It’s often described as a “moving meditation.”

Improved Joint Health: Yin Yoga supports joint health by applying gentle, sustained pressure to joints, helping to maintain their range of motion and overall mobility.

Enhanced Mindfulness and Focus: By encouraging practitioners to hold postures and focus inward, Yin Yoga develops patience, mindfulness, and the ability to stay present in the moment.

Yin Yoga Edinburgh Childs pose

Key Features of Yin Yoga

Longer Holds

In Yin Yoga, poses are held for a longer amount of time than in a regular class. This allows you to gently stretch targeted areas for a sustained period. These passive stretches help access deeper connective tissues, where tension and stress often accumulate. Holding each posture also encourages a mindful focus on the breath and on releasing areas of resistance in the body.

Focus on Flexibility and Joint Mobility

Yin Yoga is not about pushing to extremes but about gently working to improve flexibility and joint mobility. Yin Yoga can help increase the range of motion and keep the body flexible by applying gentle, consistent pressure to your joints and connective tissues,

Meditative and Calming

Yin Yoga is inherently meditative, as the longer holds and relaxed nature of the practice encourage practitioners to slow down, focus on the breath, and turn inward. This mindful approach helps to release mental stress, calm the nervous system, and cultivate a sense of inner stillness.

Targets “Yin” Areas of the Body

Yin Yoga focuses on the “yin” parts of the body, which include areas with less blood flow, such as the hips, lower spine, and pelvis. These areas are often neglected in more dynamic forms of exercise, making Yin Yoga a great practice to maintain balance and prevent stiffness or discomfort in the joints.

Starting Your Yin Practice


If you have never tried yoga before Yin is a gentle introduction to the world of yoga. Yin yoga is a style of yoga that is both accessible for beginners, but can also support the practice of the more experienced.

In Yin Yoga, you’ll learn the art of patience and surrender. It is a style of yoga that is incredibly rewarding, fostering a sense of balance, mindfulness, and peace. By connecting with the breath, focusing on each posture, and releasing tension, you’ll find that these practices help create harmony within, bringing balance to all aspects of life.


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